Lets Read some of very famous management rules and approaches targeting Food Service Industry
1.All work is team work.
2.If you want to be bigger than everybody else, you’d better be better than everyone else, too.
3.Our business is run first for the enjoyment and pleasure of our customers. Then for the convenience of the staff of owners.
4.The secret to winning is not to lose twice in a row.
5.The customer is not always “right” but is always the customer, and it’s all right for the customer to be wrong.
6.Catch your people doing something right. A pat on the back is just a few vertebrae up form a kick in the ass.
7.Never practice on the customer. Training is your secret weapon.
8.Be tough on standards, easy on people. What you permit you promote.
9.Challenge the process daily: are we doing the right things and are we doing the right things right?
10. Leaders are never “energy-neutral”; you’re either giving people energy or draining it from them.
11. Customers will forgive mistakes in the kitchen more than mistakes in the service. Service is our invisible product.
12. The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
13. Over teach. Managers and employees both under learn and over forget.
14. Unoccupied time passes slower than occupied time. If you have time to learn, you have time to clean.
15. Small changes add up to greatness: be 1% better in a 1000 different ways.
I hope you liked it..
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