Friday, July 23, 2010

Golden Management Rules

Lets see more on food service industry management rules which are always considered as golden management rules

1. Average means you’re either best of the worst, or worst of the best.

2. Employees are our fist market. Never treat a customer better than you treat an employee.

3. You can have the best product in the world, but if you can’t sell it, you still got it. Train your team to get better at menu merchandising.

4. Good service means never having to ask for anything.

5. All behavior is the result of consequences: you get what you reward.

6. Use the “Sullivan Nod”: if servers smile and slowly nod their heads when suggesting a drink, appetizers or desserts the customer always nods back and say “yes”.

7. Recruiting doesn’t end when you hire someone. You recruit your employees daily.

8. If someone tells you it’s the principle of the thing and not the money…it is the money.

9. In the business, you can always tell when it’s a full moon without ever looking outside.

10. Tools left in the toolbox never built anything.

11. One definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect different results.

12. High performers hate working with low performers. Groom’em or Broom’em.

13. You can tell how good the restaurant leadership is by how the people act when the manager isn’t there.

14. Teach everyone something new every shift: 1 step by 100 people are better than 100 steps by one person.

15. The restaurant business is a free circus everyday. All you have to do is pay attention.

Taken from an extract I hope you liked it...

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